Hi I'm Órlagh

Look, I know a lot of ye signing up here are aware of who I am and what I do already. But here's the basics for those who don't know me.

I'm a Pagan Catholic and I work mainly with/for Brigid in the Irish pantheon. Because of this, I get messages and instruction from herself on occasion. And this community was borne from the fact that she was giving me grief about not looking after myself. And that members of my community weren't looking after themselves either.

I started off with the 5 Day Challenge and that got a great response. Along with some requests for more...

So here we are.

What's this about?

Here's my idea:

  • Create a community to provide support for people actively working on their self care
  • Provide a monthly prompt and live call to help people focus on one aspect of self care for long enough to make it a habit
  • Provide practical tools, tips and other information to support people
  • Give each other feedback and help when asked for
  • Celebrate each others wins
  • Work together on the times when things don't go so well
  • Work with the Poet, the Smith, the Healer to help us work on holistic self care

The Poet

We'll work with the poet on physical things. This for me includes our mental, physical, emotional health, wellbeing and surroundings.

The Healer

Self care is an essential part of healing, of all sorts. So, for me, this area of self care is hugely important. Here we'll explore the role self care plays in healing and what tools and techniques we can use for this.

The Poet

Self care in spiritual matters can appear to be counter intuitive to some, but I feel it's a massively important part of self care and in engaging with spiritual life.

Looking at our spiritual practices and how they align with self care is a great way to double check our spiritual lives aren't taking rather than supporting.

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